Auomate Accruals in QuickBooks in Minutes

Tom Zehentner
Growth & Product

Handling accruals manually is like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle—stressful and prone to mishaps. Save yourself the hassle with QuickBooks' accrual automation. Simply integrate Accruer by FinOptimal to wave goodbye to manual data entry and welcome pinpoint accuracy and efficiency - no more guessing games at month-end. Instead, enjoy a seamless experience and real-time financial clarity. For both business owners and accountants, it's like having a financial superhero on speed dial. To start this magical transformation, just embrace a few best practices – and there's even more to discover.

Key Takeaways

  • Use the Accruer by FinOptimal app to automate accruals seamlessly in QuickBooks Online.
  • Integrate QuickBooks with Accruer to minimize manual data entry and errors.
  • Set up automatic accrual rules for QuickBooks for consistent financial reporting.
  • Regularly review automated accruals for accuracy and compliance with accounting standards.
  • Perform periodic reconciliations to ensure the integrity of automated accruals.

The challenges of handling accruals manually

Handling accruals manually can feel like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle—inefficiencies, errors, and time constraints abound.

Here are the core challenges manually entering accruals presents:

  1. Time-consuming and labor-intensive: Manually tracking, recording, and reconciling accruals requires extensive effort from accounting teams. Accountants spend time re-reviewing bills and invoices already processed by Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable teams to determine if they should be accrued or amortized, then perform double-data entry between spreadsheets and QuickBooks to properly account for them.
  2. Prone to errors and inaccuracies: Manual processes increase the risk of human error in data entry, calculations, and reporting. This can lead to misstatements in financial reports and inaccurate cash flow statements. To prevent this, accountants often sacrifice on precision and avoid prorating activity purchased or sold mid-month.
  3. Timing mismatches: Reconciling accruals with actual cash transactions can be challenging due to timing differences between when an accrual is recognized and when the corresponding payment or receipt occurs. Also, circumstances may change, resulting in the reperformance of all manual steps to account for the accrual in the first place.
  4. Inconsistent approaches: Accountants may try to simplify their methodologies to save time, but in the process sacrifice on precision. Some businesses require precision, depending on their regulatory requirements or the materiality of the transactions. Couple that with different manual tracking systems and spreadsheet formats, and you create a difficult learning curve for newcomers, even if they come with prior accounting experience!Tight turnaround times: Accrual reporting often has short deadlines, leaving little time for thorough vetting and analysis of the collected data. Monthly close is vital to providing the business with trustworthy data to make critical decisions. Automated accruals happen immediately, so throughout the month accruals are already done for that month and all future months. No waiting until the second week of the following month for closure!
  5. Communication challenges: Explaining the concept of accrual accounting to others can be complex. Navigating whether the activity belongs in an asset or liability account, and how much to record in each account, is complicated. A simple process such as writing “for the period” and specifying the dates that the bill or invoice is for makes it easy for anyone to understand and execute. 

How to Automate Accruals in QuickBooks Online

Imagine having a personal assistant who loves handling accruals more than you love your morning coffee.

Enter Accruer by FinOptimal, the superhero of QuickBooks Online that swoops in to automate your accruals with precision and ease.

Let's uncover how this nifty tool can transform your accounting tasks from a chore to a breeze.

Accruer by FinOptimal

Managing the intricacies of month-end can be as delightful as herding cats, but with Accruer by FinOptimal, automating accruals in QuickBooks Online has never been easier. This innovative accrual solution streamlines your financial reporting by leveraging advanced accrual accounting methods.

Say goodbye to the tedious month-end accrual process; Accruer guarantees automatic accruals, providing a seamless accrual automation experience. It enhances your financial controls and offers a real-time view of your financial health, allowing you to focus on strategic decisions rather than drowning in spreadsheets.

With Accruer by FinOptimal, you can finally bring order to chaos and ensure that your month-end closes are both efficient and accurate.

How automated accruals can benefit business owners and accountants

  1. Improved accuracy: Automation reduces human error in recording accruals, leading to more precise financial statements and reporting. It calculates and books every entry for you, rounding it to the penny.
  2. Real-time financial visibility: Automated accruals provide an up-to-date view of a company's financial position, allowing for better decision-making and financial planning. They are booked immediately, so up-to-date accrual financials are always available.
  3. Time savings: By automating the accrual process, accountants can save significant time that would otherwise be spent on manual data entry and calculations. Doing accruals takes as long as you can write “for the period.” Seconds.
  4. Enhanced compliance: Automated accruals help ensure adherence to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and other regulatory requirements. Accruer prorates calculations for mid-month activity and uses the appropriate asset and liability accounts automatically.
  5. Better financial forecasting: With more accurate and timely financial data, businesses can make more informed projections and budgets. See pro forma financials in real-time by allowing Accruer to fully account for multi-month accruals immediately. 
  6. Simplified period-end closing: Automation streamlines the process of closing books at the end of accounting periods, reducing stress and potential errors. A schedule is automatically maintained so your process is simply tying the total balance between Accruer and QuickBooks (with all of the details also available if needed!).
  7. Scalability: As businesses grow, automated accruals can easily handle increased transaction volumes without requiring additional staff. You’re just writing “for the period” a little more, that’s it!
  8. Integration with other systems: Many automated accrual systems can integrate with other financial software, creating a more cohesive and efficient accounting ecosystem. Any system that integrates with QuickBooks Online will also work with Accruer,, Ramp, Expensify, Dexy, and so many more, plus any of your favorite invoicing platforms! 

Preparing to Automate Accruals

The magic of automated accruals in QuickBooks can revolutionize your accounting practices. There are a few simple steps you should take to guarantee smooth implementation.

Implementing an accrual automation tool can significantly streamline financial processes, reduce errors, and improve compliance. Here are some key tips for successful implementation:

1. Choose the Right Tool

Selecting the appropriate software is crucial. Look for a platform that offers robust automation features tailored to your business needs. Tools like Accruer provide comprehensive solutions for legal and spend management, respectively, ensuring real-time data collection and processing. Be wary of tools that claim they automate things, but cannot show or explain exactly how the automation works. Some software companies rely on outsourced workers to supplement the shortcomings of their products.

2. Streamline Data Collection

Accrual automation tools will ensure the accounting is performed correctly, but humans will still be required to share information timely. This means vendors sending you bills on time, or stakeholders in the company sharing activity with you so that it can be accounted for properly. Accounts Payable and Invoicing platforms can help streamline these upfront processes. 

3. Ensure Integration with Existing Systems

Your accrual automation tool should seamlessly integrate with your current accounting and IT systems. This integration is often facilitated through robust APIs, which allow for smooth data transfer and communication between different platforms. Importing and exporting is not the same as an integration and presents additional layers of issues. Additionally, consider systems with two-way integrations. A system that only sends data to QuickBooks will result in discrepancies if things are changed in QuickBooks directly.

4. Maintain Accurate Records

Accurate and complete records are essential for effective accrual accounting. Automated platforms can help by attaching all relevant documentation to the correct transaction records, ensuring a comprehensive audit trail. Instead of relying on data entry to maintain records, you can rely on systems, and perform reviews and analysis of the data to ensure higher quality records are maintained.

6. Commit to Continuous Improvement

Regularly audit and review your accrual processes to identify areas for improvement. This can involve comparing estimated accruals to actual amounts and making necessary adjustments to enhance accuracy and efficiency. Always review the books!

Maintenance and Monitoring Advice

When relying on automation for accruals, you are not giving up control, but rather shifting where your internal controls will be.

For example, a manual process relies on preparer and reviewer duties to double check data entry, calculations, and journal entry accuracy in QuickBooks. There are both preventative and detective controls required from multiple parties to ensure an effective monthly close.

With automation, you are relying on the system controls (or “automated controls’) and detective controls. Applications are responsible for properly syncing data, so your responsibilities are simply to perform a thorough monthly close. 

By performing quality control checks such as monthly reconciliations, flux analysis, and BvA comparisons, you can guarantee accurate accruals with a tiny fraction of the work. 

Tools like Accruer offer custom reports that provide a snapshot of your financial performance, highlighting discrepancies and areas needing attention. By diligently managing accruals and maintaining financial management practices, you'll establish that your accrual method remains robust.

What Else Can you Automate in QuickBooks?

Ever wished you could sip your morning coffee while QuickBooks did the heavy lifting? Meet Booker, your new best friend for automating journal entries.

And Wrangler, the superstar that handles month-end close reporting with finesse. These tools might just give you the free time to finally start that office ping-pong tournament!

Automate Journal Entries with Booker

Imagine having a diligent, tireless assistant that never takes a coffee break—Booker can automate your journal entries in QuickBooks, so you can finally say goodbye to tedious manual data entry.

Envision this: Accruer has your accruals on autopilot. No more spreadsheets for accruals! But what about everything else? You can convert your backup files for loans, leases, allocations, payroll, and so much more into spreadsheets that sync directly to QuickBooks. Using Booker, you’ll have every entry accounted for in perpetuity. Imagine the most flexible recurring transactions tool ever created! 

This nifty tool seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks, taking over repetitive tasks and freeing you to focus on what truly matters. So, why slog through hours of manual entries when you can automate tasks effortlessly?

With Booker, you're not just upgrading your accounting game; you're transforming it.

Automate Month End Close Reporting with Wrangler

When it comes to month-end close reporting, Wrangler steps in like a seasoned maestro, orchestrating your QuickBooks data into harmonious financial statements with effortless precision. Accruer and Booker do the heavy lifting to get your books up-to-date in real-time, and Wrangler gives you that data in real-time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can QuickBooks do accrual accounting?

QuickBooks offers a toggle to switch between Cash and Accrual, but this does not automatically put your books on an accrual basis! Proper accrual accounting in QuickBooks can only be achieved through automation tools like Accruer, or manual processes. QuickBooks Online Advanced offers some modules to assist with certain aspects of accrual accounting, but there are still processes that will be done manually if you are using that version

How do I automate transactions in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks offers automation-assisted processes to help streamline transactions, such asp recurring transactions and bank feed rules, which can to automatically import and categorize transactions. These features save time and reduce manual data entry, streamlining your bookkeeping process, but are not fully-automated.

What can I automate in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks offers some automation options to streamline your accounting tasks. You can use recurring transactions, invoice reminders, and bank feed rules, to partially-automate some aspects of your workflow. 

Can a small business use accrual accounting?

Businesses of any size can use accrual accounting, and if you are selling or buying goods or services that will provide benefit to you or your customers before or after the cash is exchanged, you should consider using accrual accounting to ensure an accurate representation of your books.

Tom Zehentner
Growth & Product

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